# | domain | |
wikipedia |
4432447145 | |
wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the wikimedia foundation. | ||
dicionário priberam, dicionário online de português contemporâneo |
4761619 | |
dicionário priberam, dicionário online de português contemporâneo | ||
deepl translate: the world's most accurate translator |
242879574 | |
translate texts & full document files instantly. accurate translations for individuals and teams. millions translate with deepl every day. | ||
quora |
712559007 | |
infopedia.pt - porto editora |
2675442 | |
a infopedia.pt é um serviço da porto editora que inclui 33 dicionários, dúvidas da língua portuguesa, jogos, livros, autores, lendas e palavras raras. | ||
wikihow: how-to instructions you can trust. |
108106662 | |
learn how to do anything with wikihow, the world's most popular how-to website. easy, well-researched, and trustworthy instructions for everything you want to know. | ||
viamichelin: itinerários, mapas, info tráfego, hotéis |
651898 | |
cálculo de itinerário, mapas michelin, info tráfego em tempo real, reserva de hotéis em portugal e na europa | ||
sciencedirect.com | science, health and medical journals, full text articles and books. |
92419477 | |
sciencedirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. explore journals, books and articles. | ||
linguee | dicionário inglês-português e outros idiomas |
704298 | |
dicionário multilíngue e buscador com acesso a mil milhões de traduções feitas por outras pessoas. idiomas: português, inglês, espanhol, francês e alemão | ||
sinônimos |
7580746 | |
dicionário de sinônimos online de português do brasil com mais de 30 mil sinônimos de palavras e expressões da língua portuguesa. | ||
207576425 | |
tábua de marés para a pesca |
1094485 | |
conheça as tábuas das marés e tabelas solunares: hora, altura e coeficiente da preia-mar, baixa-mar; saída e pôr do sol, fases lunares, atividade dos peixes e estado do tempo. | ||
reverso | free translation, dictionary |
84439035 | |
reverso's free online translation service that translates your texts between english and french, spanish, italian, german, russian, portuguese, hebrew, japanese, arabic, dutch, polish, romanian, turkish. | ||
wikimedia |
71891564 | |
wikimedia is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world. | ||
wavesys • flexible solutions for communications gateway on iot |
293453 | |
wavesys provides flexible communication solutions for several application scenarios: smart cities, transportation, utilities and wind farms. | ||
dicio - dicionário online de português |
10039245 | |
o dicionário online de português (dicio) é um dicionário de língua portuguesa contemporânea, com definições, significados, sinônimos, exemplos e rimas de 400 mil palavras | ||
significados |
6444493 | |
encontre explicações sobre diversas áreas do conhecimento. vá além do que significa a palavra e entenda o assunto! | ||
dicionário online - dicionário informal |
3274284 | |
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cambridge dictionary | english dictionary, translations & thesaurus |
66121477 | |
the most popular dictionary and thesaurus for learners of english. meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations. | ||
wiktionary |
60595610 | |
marinetraffic: global ship tracking intelligence | ais marine traffic |
19437663 | |
marinetraffic live ships map. discover information and vessel positions for vessels around the world. search the marinetraffic ships database of more than 550000 active and decommissioned vessels. search for popular ships globally. find locations of ports and ships using the near real time ships map. view vessel details and ship photos. | ||
online dictionaries by bab.la - loving languages |
22053026 | |
search translations in the dictionary and have fun learning languages with vocabulary lessons and many free games and quizzes. | ||
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39187089 | |
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encyclopedia britannica | britannica |
59215550 | |
explore the fact-checked online encyclopedia from encyclopaedia britannica with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and images from experts. | ||
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41154430 | |
free online dictionaries - spanish, french, italian, german and more. conjugations, audio pronunciations and forums for your questions. | ||
dictionary by merriam-webster: america's most-trusted online dictionary |
70082250 | |
the dictionary by merriam-webster is america's most trusted online dictionary for english word definitions, meanings, and pronunciation. #wordsmatter | ||
urban dictionary, march 24: j name theory |
34513098 | |
j name theory is that any guy who's name starts with a j is complete crap and you shouldn't date them. ask your friends. very few guys with a name that starts with a j is worth anyone's time. | ||
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162037740 | |
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geoguessr - let's explore the world! |
10456139 | |
geoguessr is a geography game which takes you on a journey around the world and challenges your ability to recognize your surroundings. | ||
27870923 | |
worldometer - real time world statistics |
11131690 | |
live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health. interesting statistics with world population clock, forest loss this year, carbon dioxide co2 emission, world hunger data, energy consumed, and a lot more | ||
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19470294 | |
consultez le prix des timbres en ligne, achat d’enveloppes pré-timbrées, envoi de lettres recommandées, colis et services de réexpédition. | ||
time.is 11:09am |
13470152 | |
7 million locations, 57 languages, synchronized with atomic clock time. | ||
9422159 | |
larousse.fr : encyclopédie et dictionnaires gratuits en ligne |
11086710 | |
des dictionnaires et une encyclopédie gratuite. | ||
dictionary.com | meanings and definitions of words at dictionary.com |
26032102 | |
dictionary.com is the world’s leading online source for english definitions, synonyms, word origins and etymologies, audio pronunciations, example sentences, slang phrases, idioms, word games, legal and medical terms, word of the day and more. for over 20 years, dictionary.com has been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free digital services. | ||
dict.cc | german-english dictionary |
11897056 | |
dict.cc german-english dictionary - english-german translations. | ||
thesaurus and word tools | wordhippo |
15911177 | |
thesaurus and word tools for your creative needs. find the word you're looking for! | ||
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6261886 | |
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linguee | deutsch-englisch wörterbuch (und weitere sprachen) |
6941753 | |
englisch-wörterbuch und suche in weltweit einer millarde übersetzungen. sprachen: englisch, französisch, spanisch, portugiesisch, deutsch | ||
مكتبة نور اكبر مكتبة إلكترونية عربية مفتوحة للكتب |
12590035 | |
هي مكتبة رقمية للكتب والروايات الإلكترونية العربية والعالمية تحتوي آلاف الكتب والروايات في جميع المجالات بصيغة pdf doc وتتيح للمؤلفين نشر الكتب على الإنترنت و تعتبر دار نشر إلكترونية | ||
wikisource |
10128185 | |
word finder for scrabble and words with friends |
34782666 | |
wordtips word finder helps you find all cheats and highest scoring words for scrabble & words with friends. this word generator creates words from letters. | ||
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11095915 | |
mach deine nächste radtour, wanderung oder laufstrecke mit komoot zu einem einzigartigen abenteuer. lass dich von den empfehlungen der community inspirieren und erwecke deine pläne mit dem einfachen routenplaner zum leben. | ||
glosbe dictionary - all languages of the world in one place |
15644244 | |
glosbe dictionary - one place, all languages! translations, example sentences, pronunciation recordings and grammar references. check it out! | ||
pons dictionary | definitions, translations and vocabulary |
15592794 | |
germany’s most-trusted foreign-language dictionary. includes language-learning materials, definitions, examples, pronunciation tips and a vocabulary trainer. |